Managing Director

Darla Crain

Audit and Assurance

Treat clients with reverence and colleagues with respect.

Contact Me


Meet Darla

Darla is a Managing Director at Armanino. She specializes in royalty and due diligence examinations, business valuation procedures, license examinations and copyright administration systems procedures.

An engineer at heart, Darla developed a data management and investigative computer program procedures, which Armanino uses to identify unreported and underreported royalty amounts due for their clients and in forensic investigations and analysis for valuations and litigation support. Through these findings, Darla assists in performing compliance audits, preparing valuation reports, expert witness reports, and provides litigation services for her clients.

Darla started her career as an aerospace engineer and established an expertise in fatigue spectrum development. Later, she founded an engineering firm that consulted on performing fatigue and damage tolerance engineering analyses for the FAA and aircraft companies. Through her years as an engineer, she perfected her computer skills and began training programs to instruct businesses and individuals.

Contact Darla Crain


Professional History


  • Past President of the Rotary Club of St. Peters
  • Rotary District 6060 Membership Chair


  • University of Missouri – Rolla
  • Maryville University


  • Royalty Compliance Organization / Financial Services Team, Inc.
  • 3C Fatigue Engineering, Inc.
  • McDonnell Douglas Aircraft Company


  • John E. Simon Award of Excellence, Maryville University
Industries Served